To support our Mission
Our work in the community
Show your support
In carrying out our mission and vision of historic preservation in Rockville Maryland, we have earned the recognition and financial endorsement of individuals, businesses, and local governments. Your tax deductible contributions provide funding for community engagement through events, informative exhibits, and hands-on preservation projects. When you invest in Peerless Rockville, your donation helps protect and bring awareness to the significance of one of Maryland’s largest cities. Make a difference today!
The Unrestricted Fund provides flexibility for the organization to address a broad range of needs.
The Archives and Museum Collections Fund preserves objects and information important to Rockville’s history.
The Education and Outreach Fund funds educational programs important to Rockville’s heritage.
The Eileen McGuckian Preservation Fund provides resources to help preserve Rockville’s historic buildings, neighborhoods, and streetscapes.
The Endowment Fund is a permanent fund to ensure ongoing support for Peerless’ operations.
The Nancee Simonson Fund for African American Education supports Peerless Rockville’s research and projects on African-American history and heritage.

Members support Peerless Rockville’s mission to preserve buildings, objects, and information important to the heritage of this city. Members receive exclusive benefits including discounts on events and merchandise, newsletters with details on upcoming events, local preservation issues and enticing stories about Rockville history. Explore our different membership levels and join today!
Our nonprofit partners help us share the stories of the past with all those who call Rockville home. Together, we make history come alive and demonstrate what makes our community so vibrant, diverse, and special.
If you are a nonprofit organization rooted in the local community, join us today and receive membership benefits and the opportunity to further enrich our great town.
Nonprofit partners get: Free access to research resources in Peerless Rockville’s Archives & Museum Collections, semi-annual newsletter of, local preservation issues and stories on Rockville’s history, recognition at all Peerless Rockville events, and the opportunity to collaborate on activities, like walking tours, research projects, and more.
We invite you to join the select ranks of Peerless Rockville’s corporate business membership. Enjoy benefits such as recognition as a Peerless Business Partner in our newsletter, website, and at community events, as well as discounts on events and merchandise for you and your staff. Find the perfect membership option for your business and help us advance our preservation goals today.
The support of sponsors is critical to our success. We offer valuable exposure for your company to an audience interested in local history, art, community events, and improving lives through education. When you become a committed Peerless Rockville sponsor, you will benefit from:
- Signature Event & Exhibit opportunities
- Heightened recognition with your logo on our website and newsletters
- Complimentary tickets to events

Planned Giving is your opportunity to leave a lasting legacy within the community. This allows for long-term financial support of Peerless Rockville Historic Preservation, Ltd. through a broad range of charitable gift options. Peerless Rockville accepts contributions through bequests and other advantageous tax, financial, and estate planning techniques. For more information, please contact us today.