Celebrate with us!


For fifty years, Peerless Rockville has been a vibrant community-based non-profit, celebrating the history of Rockville. We have worked to collect images, artifacts, and stories about our special places and significant people, educated by sharing the diverse history of our City with residents and visitors, and advocated for the value of historic preservation in the City of Rockville.

We thank the thousands of guests, volunteers, speakers, and others who have been involved in Peerless in our first half century. Whether you got to know us in 1974 or 2024, people like you have powered us for fifty years. 

Peerless Rockville hopes you will join us at events in our anniversary year and renew your interest in Rockville’s history and heritage. 




Whether you’ve lived in the Rockville area all your life or just arrived, there’s something in this City that is sure to inspire you. You can support the historic preservation and heritage of Rockville’s unique places by joining Peerless Rockville as a member or volunteering your time when possible. Explore opportunities today!


Since 1974, Peerless Rockville has proudly worked with residents, community organizations, and local government to preserve the historic fabric of our community. 

Through these partnerships, Peerless Rockville serves as a resource for history enthusiasts, homeowners, and community members looking to protect the resources around them.   

We continue to promote the value of historic preservation and the strong sense of place that is gained through responsible stewardship.

Read on to learn more about historic preservation on the local, state, and National levels and how to get involved.



Peerless Rockville offers a unique selection of gift items and publications that are related to the preservation of the city’s history and the surrounding area. Sales help fund education and preservation in the community!


There are many ways you may donate to Peerless Rockville and support our dual missions of preservation and education. You can see the many ways you can support Peerless Rockville’s missions when you click on the button below. Your contributions can make a big difference when it comes to promoting historic sites and buildings in Rockville, Maryland.


Peerless Rockville Historic Preservation, Ltd. is supported in part by funding from these generous patrons, who cannot be thanked enough for their continued support!

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